New publications

Zakharova, M. Ye. Current problems of sustainable development: a teaching guide

UDC 332.14(076)

Zakharova, M. Ye. Current problems of sustainable development: a teaching guide / M. Ye. Zakharova, A. V. Soroka, I. N. Sharuho; Ed. by I. N. Sharuho, A. Ye. Yarotov. – Mogilev : MSU named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2017. – 108 р.

ISBN 978-985-568-256-2

The publication is prepared on the basis of higher education standards in specialties 31 01 01-02 01 Biology (scientific and pedagogical activity), 1-02 04 06-01 Chemistry. Biology, 1-02 04 05-01 Geography. Biology, 1-02 04 01 Biology and Chemistry, 1-02 04 02 Biology and Geography. It provides the materials for fulfillment of 5 practical tasks on the topics: “The concept of sustainable development ”, Meaningful interpretation, methodological nature and social significance of the concept of sustainable development”, “Sustainable development indicators search problem”, “Elaboration of national and regional sustainable development strategies in different countries”, “National strategy of sustainable development (NSSD) of the Republic of Belarus”.


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