Republic of Belarus

General Information

Capital: Minsk

Official languages: Belarusian, Russian

The Republic of Belarus is a country in the centre of Europe. It is bordered on the Northwest by Lithuania, on the North by Latvia and Russia, on the Northeast and East by Russia, on the South by Ukraine, on the West by Poland.

Total area: 207.6 thousand square kilometres.

The population of the Republic of Belarus at the beginning of 2018 amounted to 9 491,8 thousand people.

Currency: Belarusian rubble (Br)

The climate of Belarus is moderately continental. Its main characteristics are due to the location of the country in the middle latitudes, the lack of mountains, and the relative proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. The warmest month is July, the coldest is January.

More about the Republic of Belarus

State Symbols of the Republic of Belarus


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