The head — Elena Alexandrovna Boltovskaya, the deputy dean of the faculty of slavonik philology, lecturer, the doctor of philology.
General information
At the present time the scientific educational centre of Russian studies is an association of the educational establishment Mogilev State University named after A.A. Kuleshov. It provides the effectiveness of scientific research, educational-methodological and cultural work in the sphere of Russian studies at the university and other educational establishments of our region.
The main spheres of activity:
- Studying, generalization, popularization of scientific and general educational knowledge in the sphere of Russian linguistics and literature studies, culture studies, philosophy, Russia history;
- Strengthening and development of the university and other educational establishments scientific potential by means of students’, post-graduates’, teachers’, lecturers’ participating in scientific research, held by the centre;
- Using the results of the centre’s scientific research in educational process: creating some new and renewing already existing courses of lectures, special courses, supplementary disciplines; students’ work on their diplomas;
- Strengthening of the university and other educational establishments of the region contacts with scientific, educational and cultural centers of Russia in the sphere of Russian studies.
Contact data: Mogilev, 212022, Kosmonavtov str., room 202А, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; phone No.