Archeological laboratory named after V.F. Kopytin and students scientific unity “Archeology”

The head — Marzaljuk Igor Alexandrovich. Address: 212022, Mogilev, Kosmonavtov str., 1., the department of archeology and special historic disciplines.

General information:
The archeological laboratory was founded in 1992 by the initiative of the Doctor of History, lecturer V.F. Kopytin. The archeological laboratory also includes a students scientific unity “Archeology”, which was formed in 2008. In the frame of the unity there are two problem solving groups. One group under the head of A.V. Kolosov deals with learning the stone and bronze centuries in Belarus. The other under the head of I.A. Marzaljuk investigates cultural heritage of the Iron Age and the medieval times in Belarus. The laboratory and the unity are also in charge of restoration, experimental reconstruction and cultural-chronological identification of archeological materials, found during the department employees’ expeditions.

The main spheres of activity:

  • Studying the system of people’s resettlement on the territory of Belarus during the period from the stone age till late medieval times
  • Studying the condition and safety of archeological monuments
  • Creating a number of monuments and archeological map of Mogilev region

Contact data: 212022, Mogilev, Kosmonavtov str., 1., the department of archeology and special historic disciplines
Phone: +375222 28 36 46; +37529 741 41 08
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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