Rector: Denis Duk, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
First Vice-Rector: Dmitry Lavrinovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs: Vladimir Yasev, Ph.D. (Candidate of Political Sciences), Docent
Vice-Rector for Ideological and Educational Affairs: Dmitry Rogovtsov, Ph.D. (Candidate of Political Sciences), Docent
Vice-Rector for Science and Research: Natalia Makovskaia, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Vice-Rector: Eduard Kutsakov
Vice-Rector: Gennady Ivanchenko
Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining: Igor Shardyko, Ph.D. (Candidate of Historical Sciences), Docent

Dear friends! Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University is one of the oldest higher educational establishments in Belarus. Founded in 1913, it has been developing for a hundred years, providing the educational system of Mogilev, bordering regions and foreign countries with skilled personnel. During that time more than 53 thousand specialists acquired education here. Many of them became famous outside the republic. The first President of Belarus A. Lukashenko was among the graduates of the University, as well as the Heroes of Soviet Union and the Heroes of Socialist Labour, more than 300 Honoured Teachers and outstanding workers of the country’s system of education, eminent scientists, writers, state and public figures, sportsmen – The World, Europe, and Olympic champions. Today the University is a major scientific, educational and cultural center. It provides qualitative modern education available for the preparation of competent professionals and researchers in various scientific fields.
The official date of the Mogilev Teachers' School foundation is the 1 July, 1913. The opening ceremony, held by its first director, Ph.D. in theology, Vladimir Tychinin, took place on 1 October, 1913. The first graduation of 33 teachers took place in 1916. 8 teachers worked at the School then.
In December 1918 The Teachers' School was reorganized into Teachers-Training College and received a status of higher educational establishment. It trained specialists in social sciences and history, physics and mathematics, biology, literature and arts, pre-school workers. In 1934 the college departments were reorganized into faculties of history, geography, language and literature (Russian and Byelorussian departments). In 1937 The Teachers-Training College opened the Teachers' School with two-year course of study. The post-graduate studies department was organized in 1938. This period is characterized by the considerable improvement of the College equipment. In 1931 it received a three-storied building with well-equipped classrooms and laboratories. A gymnasium, a shooting gallery, four-storied residence hall were built a little later.

More than 2000 students studied and 69 teachers worked at the College in 1941. Over 1200 pedagogical workers were trained during 10 years before World War II. The Mogilev State Teachers-Training College renewed its activity in 1944 consisting of three faculties: history, geography, and language and literature. 570 students started their daytime training and 357 studied by correspondence. 16 teachers worked at the College then, 4 of them had academic degrees. In 1946 the number of students reached its prewar level, and from the middle 1950s the College became one of the largest higher schools in Belarus with over 3000 students and 119 teachers including 39 associate professors and PhDs. New faculties and departments opened in time: the faculty of physics and mathematics — in 1949; the faculty of pedagogy and methods of primary education — in 1958; the faculty of preschool education (today the faculty of pedagogy and psychology of childhood) — in 1978; the faculty of military service and sports (today the faculty of physical training) — in 1981; the biology faculty (the faculty of natural sciences since 1997) — in 1990; the faculty of pre-university training and professional orientation — in 1997; the faculty of foreign languages — in 1999. A new residence hall was built in 1959 with a health centre and a dining hall, and a new gymnasium was constructed soon afterward. The biological studying centre for students' practical education was opened in the suburb of Mogilev.

In 1970 the College received a new five-storied educational building in Kosmonavtov Street. It has classrooms, laboratories, gymnasia, a library, a dining hall. The library has grown significantly and now contains about 500 000 volumes.
In 1978 the College was given a name of Arkadiy Kuleshov — the classic of Belarusian literature, and native Mogilev region resident. In the mid 1980s the College became a three-times winner of the All-Union competition among teachers-training colleges and was awarded by The Red Banner, left at the college forever after the third winning.
In 1997 the College passed the state accreditation and was reorganized into Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University.
Today Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University has 3 educational buildings, 3 sports complexes, a stadium, an educational and rehabilitation centre, a biological educational centre "Lyubuzh", 5 dormitories, a health and rehabilitation centre, several museums, scientific and educational centres and laboratories.

The university houses 7 faculties, it provides training for specialists of the first (Bachelor Degree) and second (Master Degree) stages of higher education, postgraduate and doctoral studies. Here, more than 4,500 students get full-time and part-time higher education.
During a long period of time the University had been developing as poly-pedagogical. It trains teachers of almost all subjects of secondary schools curricula, and specialists for pre-school establishments. Since 1998 the University trains specialists for different branches of economics. Research work of the University is realized mainly in accordance with state programs, orders of the Ministry of education and the National Academy of Sciences. The key research areas of the university are: electronics and photonics, multifunctioning materials and technologies, ecology and nature management, economics, sociology and law, history and culture, linguistics and literary criticism, educational content, pedagogy, psychology, methods of teaching and education.
The University had an experience of participating in international projects within Erasmus+, DAAD, MOST, Visegrad Fund, and other programs which prove to be valuable experience as well as a source of professional contacts and professional development. The students of all faculties have every opportunity of creative self-expression at numerous university associations and clubs. The University publishes the scientific and methodical journal “Mogilev State A. Kuleshov Bulletin” and the newspaper “Universitetsky Vesnik”.