The head — Djachenko Oleg Victorovich
General information:
The centre was formed in 2009 to carry out a scientific research in religious studies, its assessment, investigation of the confessional system in Mogilev region, the condition and development of state confessional relationship, designing educational methodological literature.
The main spheres of activity:
- Ensuring effective scientific research and educational methodological activity in the sphere of religious studies
- Consolidation and development of scientific intellectual potential of the University with the help of students’, postgraduates’ and teachers’ participating in the religious studies research
- The development of collaboration with other scientific establishments and educational establishments of Belarus and other foreign countries, collaboration with social unities dealing with human rights and freedom of conscience realization
Contact data: 212022, Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, Philosophy department, 1 Kosmonavtov str, Mogilev, Belarus
Phone: +375222 28 36 36; +37529 177 05 89
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.