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Vasilenko, E. N. Language means of persuasion in political discourse : a monograph

UDC 811’42

Vasilenko, E. N. Language means of persuasion in political discourse : a monograph / E. N. Vasilenko. – Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2018. – 164 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-382-8

The monograph considers language means of implementing tactics of the persuasion communicative strategy in the genre of the President's message to the Parliament, determines chronotopic, structural and functional features of this genre, specifying patterns of realizing the pragmatic potential of the grammatical categories of person, time and mood as the means of forming  discourse pictures of the world and cortege interaction in speeches of the Presidents of the United States of America and Russian Federation.
The monograph was written on the basis of the dissertation research “Implementation of the communicative strategy of persuasion by means of grammatical categories (on the basis of political discourse)”.


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