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Timoshchenko, E. V. Modeling of the Nonlinear Dynamics of the Material Response of Dense Optical Layers to Resonant Radiation : a monograph

UDC 535.33

Timoshchenko, E. V. Modeling of the Nonlinear Dynamics of the Material Response of Dense Optical Layers to Resonant Radiation : a monograph / E. V. Timoshchenko. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2023. — 236 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-894-029-4

The monograph is intended for those interested in the nonlinear dynamics of coherent radiation and the consequences of dynamic processes occurring in active dense resonant media and structures based on them when interacting with optical coherent radiation. The proposed theoretical model, as well as regularities and nonlinear dependencies characterizing ultrafast transient processes during resonant reflection of light by optical elements based on such media, can be used as the basis for lecture courses in academic disciplines related to the study of Physics of Lasers and Semiconductor Media. The NDE systems and relations given in the monograph, which allow computer modeling and qualitative analysis, can supplement the content of academic disciplines studying numerical methods for solving problems of mathematical modeling and disciplines studying the application of equations of mathematical physics for the purposes of modeling physical processes. The results of the author, given in the monograph, can become an example of the practical implementation of the studied methods of computer modeling within the disciplines of specialization of the second stage of higher education.


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