New publications

The mechanism of product positioning in the consumer market

UDC 339.138

Osipenko, N. А. The mechanism of product positioning in the consumer market : a monograph / N. A. Osipenko. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2018. — 160 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-442-9

The market environment determines such business conditions when a manufacturer’s success depends on the effective marketing activities. This requires tools, the use of which allows to ensure a stable position in the market and gaining competitive advantages. One of such marketing tools is product positioning, the application of which is the issue of consideration in the monograph. The publication analyzes approaches to product positioning in the market, develops its methodological framework for consumer products, which implies evaluating competitive positions in consumer perception and justifying the choice of attributes to create a strong position. It also offers recommendations on how to organize the marketing department’s activities while doing positioning at an enterprise.


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