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The activity of all-Russian political parties on Belarusian lands in the late XIX–early XX century : a study book

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The activity of all-Russian political parties on Belarusian lands in the late XIX–early XX century : a study book / D. S. Lavrinovich [and others]. – Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2018. – 344 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-376-7

The study book is intended for students of historical specialties who study in depth the history of social and political life in Russia at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century and the Belarusian lands that were part of it. The team of authors made an attempt on the basis of a diverse source material to show the specifics of the activity of all-Russian political parties in the territory of the Belarusian provinces of the late XIX – early XX century, and to establish their role in solving national and confessional issues that were among the most significant problems of that period. The publication presents topics and plans for seminars, guidelines, questions for self-control, an exemplary list of exam issues, sample topics of abstracts, test tasks, a list of sources and literature.
The publication is recommended for students, teachers, as well as for all those who are interested in the issues of history of Russia and Belarus in the late XIX – early XX century.
Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus as a study book for university students majoring in specialties “History and Social Science Disciplines”, “History (in profiles)”.


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