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Shutkova, N.P. Tiled Stove Sets of the Mogilev Dnieper Region (XVI-XVIII Centuries): a monograph

УДК 902(476.4)”15/17”:738.81

Shutkova, N.P. Tiled Stove Sets of the Mogilev Dnieper Region (XVI-XVIII Centuries): a monograph / N.P. Shutkova. - Mogilev: Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2023. - 168 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-894-072-0

The monograph traces the history of the study of lamellar stove tiles from the territory of Belarus, highlighting the main stages and problem areas. The study contains typological schemes of the regional material, combining both morphological and technological indicators of tile description. The technology for making tiles is considered using an experimental approach. A comparison of the regional material with materials from other monuments of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Kingdom of Poland, and the Moscow State was carried out. The book is intended for researchers, teachers, students and anyone interested in archeology and history of Belarus.


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