New publications

Shershneva, V. M. Current Belarusian literary language : morphemics : derivation : morphology : practicum

 UDC 811.161.3 (075.8)

Shershneva, V. M. Current Belarusian literary language : morphemics : derivation : morphology : practicum / V. M. Shershneva. – Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2017. – 120 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-349-1

The material of the publication is represented by the following topics: “Morphemics”; “Derivation”; “Morphology”. Each section is provided with test tasks to consolidate certain theoretical knowledge and develop skills of morphemic, derivational and morphological analysis. It is intended for students of Philology and is supposed to facilitate future teachers of Belarusian language and literature in problematic issues. The practicum can be used by students and teachers in preparation for the centralized testing.


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