UDC 343.148.5(075.8)
Shaytarova, E. I. Forensic Accounting in investigating economic crimes : a teaching aid / E. I. Shaytarova. – Mogilev : MSU named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2017. – 80 p.
ISBN 978-985-568-357-6
The publication is intended for student self-study of the discipline “Forensic Accounting” and is required to be the supplement to the course of lectures, materials of seminars and study books. It contains basic discipline provisions, plans for seminars, test tasks designed for full-time and part-time students and aimed at providing independent study of scientific and educational literature on the course “Forensic Accounting”.
The publication is compiled for students majoring in 1-24 01 02 — Jurisprudence.