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Sharukho, I. N. Hydronymy of Belarus: hydronyms of the Mogilev region: an etymological dictionary

UDC 811.161.3’373.21 (038)

Sharukho, I. N. Hydronymy of Belarus: hydronyms of the Mogilev region: an etymological dictionary / I. N. Sharukho. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2021. — 192 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-792-5

The dictionary gives the etymology of the names of the most significant hydrological objects in the Mogilev region. The basic elements (320) and formants (about 100) of more than 700 hydronyms are allocated. The recorded hydronyms are divided into local basins of the Ptich, Berezina, Sozh, and Dnieper rivers and into eight language groups and two subgroups (recognized; disputed). The obtained materials are recommended for use by university students majoring in 1-02 04 02 Biology and Geography when studying the topics “Cartographic Toponymy” of the course “Cartography with the Basics of Topography”, “Eurasia. Surface Waters” of the course “Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans”, “Toponymy of Belarus” of the course “Physical, Economic and Social Geography of Belarus”, “Geographical Names of the Mogilev Region” of the elective course “Geography of the Mogilev Region”, in local history research, in doing diploma theses on local history, in conducting school research in this field.


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