UDC 911. 3(476)(076)
Sharuho, I.N. Physical, Economic and Social Geography of Belarus : practicum : in 2 parts. – Part 2 : Economic and Social Geography of Belarus / I. N. Sharuho, A. V. Soroka, V. G. Khomyakov ;. ed. by I. M. Sharuho, A. V. Shadrakova. – Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2017. – 72 p..
ISBN 978-985-568-336-1
The practicum contains assignments for laboratory and practical work on “Economic and Social Geography of Belarus” as part of the course “Physical, Economic and Social Geography of Belarus”, guidelines and tasks for laboratory and practical work, questions for self-testing, a list of references for self-study. It is addressed to university students majoring in 1-02 04 02 “Biology and Geography”.