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Shakirova, L. S. Personality of a teacher of literature and familiarizing students with the artistic word (in memory of K. M. Yatsevich, a teacher of Russian and Literature of secondary school No. 3 in Mogilev) : guidelines

UDC 37.011.31: 811.161.1 + 929 Yatsevich

Shakirova, L. S. Personality of a teacher of literature and familiarizing students with the artistic word (in memory of K. M. Yatsevich, a teacher of Russian and Literature of secondary school No. 3 in Mogilev) : guidelines / L. S. Shakirova. – Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2018. – 16 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-377-4

The publication of L. S. Shakirova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, revives the image of Kira Mikhailovna Yatsevich, a talented literature teacher, who dedicated more than 30 years of her life to art, who managed to arouse love for the artistic word and thirst for beauty.
The work highlights the most valuable qualities of a personality necessary for each teacher of literature to carry out the high mission.


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