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History of Eastern Slavs (Russia and Ukraine) (the end of the XVII – the first half of the XIX century.

UDC (= 161) (470 + 477) “16/18” (075.8)

History of Eastern Slavs (Russia and Ukraine) (the end of the XVII – the first half of the XIX century.) : a teaching aid for students of the History and Philology faculty / author and compiler A. A. Vorobiev. – Mogilev : Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2016. – 108 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-133-6

The publication is intended for students of the History and Philology faculty, studying the history of Eastern Slavs (Russia and Ukraine) of the end of the XVII – the first half of the XIX century. It contains vital elements of the curriculum (the purpose and objectives of the discipline, its thematic plan), a concise course of lectures, training materials for seminars. The latter includes items for discussion and guidelines for seminars. The teaching aid also contains major historic documents of the indicated period, summing-up questions for final control and bibliography.


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