New publications

Rier, Ya. G. Local civilizations of the Middle Ages: genesis and characteristics : a monograph

UDC 63.3(04)

Rier, Ya. G. Local civilizations of the Middle Ages: genesis and characteristics : a monograph / Ya. G. Rier. – Mogilev : Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2016. – 200 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-238-8

The monograph is the second, significantly expanded and updated edition of Ya. G. Rier’s study book “Civilization of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the new age: the experience of structural analysis” (Mogilev, 2003). It deals with the comparative analysis of medieval society history. A new appeal to that text is caused by turbulent events of the early twenty-first century which sharpens public, and therefore scientific interest in the origin of the contemporary world with its contradictions and diversity of forms and levels of development. Over the past 13 years theoretical concepts of local civilizations have been updated. The monograph considers strong and weak points of this theory and reveals its heuristic value showing the examples of European and East civilizations of ancient and medieval times.
The book is addressed to historians and those who are looking for answers to pressing questions of our time in the past.


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