New publications

Panasyuk, N. B. Shot Put: guidelines

UDC 796.433.1

Panasyuk, N. B. Shot Put: guidelines / N. B. Panasyuk. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2021. — 68 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-790-1

In modern shot put there are two ways of putting — the “jump” method and the “circular swing” method. The last two decades of the twentieth century debates of experts about advantages of one of these methods do not stop. The publication presents theoretical and experimental data of Belorussian and foreign experts in the biomechanics of shot put, comparative characteristics of shot put methods. Recommendations are given for mastering the technique of putting, developing speed-power qualities of shot throwers. Main mistakes in teaching technique and ways of correcting them are indicated.


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