UDC 398.92: 82–84
Mite of biblical wisdom : Russian-Slavic dictionary of biblical winged expressions and aphorisms with their equivalents in German, Romance, Armenian and Georgian languages : in 2 volumes. — V. 1: А–О / author and compiler: Z. K. Adamia [and others] ; ed. by Ye. Ye. Ivanov [and others]. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2019. — 288 p.
ISBN 978-985-568-502-0
The dictionary describes 130 most popular in modern Russian winged expressions and aphorisms from the Bible or that go back to the Bible and their equivalents in modern Slavic (Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Polish, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Czech, Ukrainian, Croatian), Germanic (English, German, Swedish), Romance (Spanish, Italian, French), Armenian, and Georgian. Biblical winged expressions and aphorisms are provided by interpretations of their meanings, indications of stylistic features of use, historical and etymological references. There are indexes of biblical sources, lists of winged expressions and aphorisms in each language.
For translators, specialists in comparative phraseology, biblical scholars, as well as all admirers of biblical wisdom.