New publications

Minina, V. V. Criminal Law. General Part: a course of lectures

UDC 343.2(075.8)

Minina, V. V. Criminal Law. General Part : a course of lectures / V. V. Minina. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2022. — 376 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-922-6

The publication is created in accordance with the programme of the Criminal Law course (General Part) on the basis of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account all changes and additions made to the Criminal Law as of November 1, 2021. The course of lectures contains the main provisions of the General Part of the Criminal Law. It reveals the definitions of the concepts of crime and its types, the basis of criminal liability and Corpus delicti, principles of the Criminal Law and the mechanism of Criminal Law regulation, the operation of the Criminal Law in time, space and circle of persons, the procedure and mechanism for sentencing and conditions for the release of persons from criminal liability and punishment; it also reflects the features of criminal liability of juveniles. The publication can be used by full-time and part-time students and lecturers of “Jurisprudence” and “Economic Law”, as well as by students of the advanced training institute majoring in “Jurisprudence”.


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