New publications

Methods of teaching Russian and literary reading. Workbook 1

UDC 373.3.016: [811.161.1 + 821.161.3.09] (075.8)

Sviridenko, E.A. Methods of teaching Russian and literary reading. Workbook 1 / E.A. Sviridenko. – Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2019. – 96 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-488-7

Workbook 1 has been compiled in accordance with the curriculum for “Methods of teaching Russian and literary reading” for specialty 1-01 02 01 “Primary education” and is intended for practical and laboratory classes on the discipline, as well as current and thematic control of students. It consists of three thematic blocks and jottings as a kind of the didactic material, contains symbols for different types of activity. The systemic arrangement of the material makes it possible to use it not only in class-room work, but also for self-study.

The publication is addressed to full-time and part-time students.


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