UDC 517
Marchenko, I. V. Mathematical Analysis : workbook: in 3 parts / I. V. Marchenko. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2023. — Part 2. — 56 p. : ill.
ISBN 978-985-894-024-9
The workbook contains tests, questions, exercises and tasks for self-control for the following sections of Mathematical Analysis: “Differential Calculus of One Real Variable Function”, “Differential Calculus of Several Real Variables Function”. The publication also includes a list of references, solution of examples. It can be used in students’ independent work for consolidating the material studied in the classroom, conducting intermediate control on the topics covered. The workbook is intended for specialties 1-02 05 01 “Mathematics and Informatics”, 1-02 05 02 “Physics and Informatics”, 1-40 01 01 “Information Technology Software”, 6-05-0113-04 “Physical and Mathematical Education (Mathematics and Informatics)”, 6-05-0113-04 “Physical and Mathematical Education (Physics and Informatics)”, 6-05-0612-01 “Software Engineering”, as well as all specialties involving the study of these topics of Mathematical Analysis. It will be useful for teachers in preparing and conducting practical classes. Part 1 was published at Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University in 2020.