UDC 821(091)(075.8)
Lavshuk, O. A. History of Foreign Literature (XX century): teaching materials / O. A. Lavshuk. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2022. — 124 p.
ISBN 978-985-568-925-7
The study of foreign literature of the twentieth century is supposed to help students to form an idea of value orientations reflected in the world literature. The publication contains tasks for lecture topics, sample plans for practical classes, materials and tasks for guided independent work of students, annexes with methodological recommendations for performing various tasks. The publication is created taking into account general requirements for a student-philologist, who must be fluent in historical and literary, critical and theoretical material, have the ability to connect theoretical knowledge with historical and literary facts, as well as use modern methodology and methods of analysis of both a certain work and the literary process as a whole. The publication is compiled on the basis of the standard programme for higher educational institutions “History of Foreign Literature” taking into account the requirements of general educational standards in the specialties 1-02 03 02 “Russian Language and Literature” and 1-02 03 04 “Russian Language and Literature. Foreign Language (English).