811.161.1374 UDC = 161.3 (075.8): 32
Russian-Belarusian Concise Dictionary of Socio-political Terminology / comp.: K. M. Bondarenko, A. S. Lavshuk, N. P. Buzuk ; K. M. Bondarenko. — Mogilev : Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshova, 2017. — 92 p.
ISBN 978-985-568-271-5
The dictionary contains about 3,000 items of terminology of the three major branches of social sciences: philosophy, political economy and political science.
The publication includes only those concepts that are most commonly used in modern textbooks on social and political studies.
The dictionary is addressed to students of historical, economic, jurisprudential and other specialties, students and teachers of secondary schools, students of secondary special educational institutions.