UDC 615.8
Healthy Breathing : guidelines / authors and compilers: T. V. Miskevich, O. V. Savitskaya, T. E. Starovoitova. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2021. — 56 p.
ISBN 978-985-568-894-6
The publication presents breathing techniques that have received recognition in recent years: K. V. Dineik’s restoration of natural breathing, Vilunas’s sobbing breathing, KOMO’s breathing exercises, voice development breathing exercises and others. The presented theoretical and practical material on healthy breathing will improve the functional state of the respiratory system of those involved. Means and methods of self-control are recommended when organizing independent breathing exercises. It is intended for students, physical education teachers, experts in the field of physical education, teachers of additional education and others.