New publications

German — Linguodidactic Support and Teaching Techniques

UDC 811.121.2 + 37.016: 811.121.2 (063)

German — Linguodidactic Support and Teaching Techniques – II: a digest of research  articles of the International scientific and practical seminar dedicated to the memory of Sergei Alexandrovich Noskov (1943–2018) / ed. by E. E. Ivanov. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2021. — 180 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-802-1

The publication, dedicated to the memory of S. A. Noskov (1943–2018), contains research articles in German, English, Belarusian and Russian on topical issues of methods of teaching German as a foreign language, as well as on issues of studying Germanic and Slavic languages as an object of descriptive and comparative linguistics, intercultural communication and translation, teaching foreign languages and literatures. Intended for experts in the field of German studies and methods of teaching foreign languages, as well as graduate students, undergraduates and students studying German as a foreign language.


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