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German – 1 : a workbook / compiled by T. M. Ryzhankova

UDC 811.112.2(078)

German – 1 : a workbook / compiled by T. M. Ryzhankova. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2022. — 104 p. : ill.

ISBN 978-985-568-962-2

The workbook has been compiled in accordance with the program for the academic discipline “Foreign Language (general knowledge)” for 1st year full-time students majoring in: 1-01 02 01 Primary Education, 1-02 01 01 History and Social Science Disciplines, 1-01 01 01 Preschool Education, 1-03 03 01 Speech Therapy, 1-03 04 01 Social Pedagogy. The publication is designed for both guided classroom work and student self-study. The goal is reflected in the main topics included in socio-cultural communication module. The workbook is intended for students of Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University to study the discipline “Foreign Language (general knowledge)” majoring in: 1-01 02 01 Primary Education, 1-02 01 01 History and Social Science Disciplines, 1-01 01 01 Preschool Education, 1-03 03 01 Speech Therapy, 1-03 04 01 Social Pedagogy. It is part of the educational complex for the discipline “Foreign Language (general knowledge)”.


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