New publications

Gabieva, L. L. Logopedagogy : training materials

UDC 376(075.8)

Gabieva, L. L. Logopedagogy : training materials / L. L. Gabieva. – Mogilev : Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2017. – 92 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-241-8

Proposed teaching materials on the discipline “Logopedagogy” reveal general and specific issues of teaching and educating children with speech disorders. This publication is expected to be of great use for students majoring in “Speech therapy”, students of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining majoring in “Integrated education and upbringing in school (preschool) education”, “Speech therapy”, which is particularly relevant in the context of the growing integration of children with heavy speech disorders into the general educational environment.
The structure of the publication includes the text of lectures, the program of practical and laboratory studies, the dictionary of terms, the list of literature.


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