UDC 811.111
Foreign Language (English). Workbook / comp. M. V. Zablotskaya. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2019. — 104 p.
ISBN 978-985-568-551-8
Foreign language (English). Workbook is intended for full-time students of the Faculty of History and Philology majoring in specialties 1-21 03 01-01 “History (National and General)”, 1-21 03 01-02 “History (Archeology)”, 1-23 03 01-06 “History (of Religions)”, 1-02 01 01 “History and Social Sciences”.
The didactic materials are presented by the module of social and professional communication and include a lexical minimum for each situation, texts of professionally-oriented topics, a set of exercises aimed at accumulating and systematizing the vocabulary and reading comprehension, on the basis of which the interpretative activities with annotating and abstracting is implemented.
The publication is part of the educational complex for the discipline “Foreign Language” and is designed both for guided work of students and their self-study.