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Ethno-linguistic and lexicographic description of Mogilev-Smolensk borderland dialects : a monograph

UDC 811.161.1’282.2(476.4)

Ethno-linguistic and lexicographic description of Mogilev-Smolensk borderland dialects : a monograph / V. B. Suzanovich [and others] ; Ed. board: V. B. Suzanovich (Ex. ed). – Mogilev : Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov, 2016. – 312 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-225-8

This edition — a collective monograph — is the result of Integrated study of Mogilev-Smolensk borderland dialects, which has been carried out by linguists of Mogilev State University since the 80th of the twentieth century. It contains the most significant scientific articles of the authors, published in 1988–2016 in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland. The book consists of two parts: the first part contains the description of Mogilev-Smolensk borderland dialects, the second part is connected with the edition of “Dictionary of Mogilev-Smolensk Borderland Dialects”.
The publication is intended for compilers of dictionaries, university professors, researchers, graduate and post-graduate students and teachers of philology.


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