UDC 378.147.88
Esenkova, I. A. Coursework Guidelines / I. A. Esenkova, A. V. Kucherova, V. V. Shutov. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2021. — 64 p.
ISBN 978-985-568-810-6
The publication is intended for full-time and part-time 3-year students specializing in theory and methodology of Physical Culture as well as for full-time and part-time 4-year students majoring in 1-03 02 01-7 Sports and Tourism Management for their preparation of coursework. It contains basic requirements for the coursework, the procedure for analyzing literary sources and experience on the issues under study, the procedure for grounding the coursework technology, as well as recommendations for applying the coursework results to practice.