New publications

English Speech Practice. Level 3. Lexical Meaning: Choosing the Right Word : a teaching aid

UDC 811.111: 91 (075.8)

English Speech Practice. Level 3. Lexical Meaning: Choosing the Right Word : a teaching aid / auth. and comp. L. V. Glukhanko. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2020. — 64 p.

ISBN 978-985-568-723-9

The publication consists of five sections (“Professional life. Career prospects for language students”, “Human body”, “Diseases and their treatment”, “Sport”, “Traveling and holiday-making”), each of which includes at least 130 closed-type test items. It can be used both for guided classroom work and for student self-study of the language material. The keys to tests, a list of recommended literature are given.
For university students specializing in 1-21 05 06 Romano-Germanic Philology, studying English as the main foreign language.


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