UDC 378.016: 373.5
Antipova, E. V. Pedagogy of contemporary school. Workbook : in 2 parts / E. V. Antipova, L. V. Volodkova. — Mogilev : Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2020. — Part 1 : Didactics. — 88 p.
ISBN 978-985-568-673-7
The workbook was compiled in accordance with the curriculum for higher educational institutions in the specialties of profile A Pedagogy and is intended for full-time and part-time students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science and the Faculty of Physical Education. It includes fragments of original texts, pedagogical tasks and situations, multi-level creative tasks, tests aimed at consolidating, expanding, deepening, generalizing and systematizing theoretical knowledge on the basics of Didactics.
The tasks of the workbook are of a scientific and applied nature and can be used both by teachers in the organization of the educational process and by students in their future professional activities.