Опубликованы материалы:
- Информационное письмо о подготовке XIX Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» (18 апреля 2025 г.) (скачать)
- Информационное письмо о подготовке Международной образовательной конференции «Русский язык в условиях мультикультурализма» (17 апреля 2025 г.) (скачать)
- XVIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [2,30 МБ] (скачать)
- XVII Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [2,44 МБ] (скачать)
- XVI Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [3,58 МБ] (скачать)
- XV Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [5,13 МБ] (скачать)
- XIV Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [2,74 МБ] (скачать)
- XIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [2,48 МБ] (скачать)
- XII Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [3,12 МБ] (скачать)
- XI Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [2,58 МБ] (скачать)
- X Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [3,62 МБ] (скачать)
- IX Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [2,38 МБ] (скачать)
- VIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [1,67 МБ] (скачать)
- VII Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [3,89 МБ] (скачать)
- VI Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество» [10,4 МБ] (скачать)
- V Международной научно-практической конференции «Религия и общество: актуальные проблемы свободы совести» [3,6 МБ] (скачать)
XVIII Международная научно-практическая конференция «Религия и общество»
19 апреля 2024 года Могилевским религиоведческим центром, кафедрой истории и философии МГУ имени А. А. Кулешова проведена XVIII Международная научно-практическая конференция «Религия и общество». Координаторы конференции — Старостенко В. В., Дьяченко О. В. и Старостенко Э. В., секретарь — Протасовская В. А.; модератор — Старостенко В. В.
На конференцию были представлены и рекомендованы к опубликованию более 100 докладов, авторы которых — исследователи из Беларуси, России, Словакии, КНР. Зарубежные страны представляли более 25 ученых. Белорусские участники традиционно репрезентуют все регионы республики, крупнейшие университеты и профильные научные учреждения. Участниками конференции являются не только известные и состоявшиеся ученые, но и молодые исследователи — аспиранты, магистранты и студенты, а также представители учреждений общего среднего образования.
С приветственным словом от имени ректората университета к участникам конференции обратилась проректор по научной работе, доктор экономических наук, профессор Н. В. Маковская. Она отметила значимость проводимых международных конференций, способствующих повышению имиджа университета, развитию сотрудничества в научной сфере.
На пленарное заседание, проведенное в онлайн формате, были вынесены доклады российских и белорусских ученых, отражающие многообразие направлений современного религиоведения — по проблематике теории религии, религиозно-философского наследия, истории религии, современной религиозности, становления религиозной культуры в истории Беларуси.
Доклад заведующего кафедрой философии религии и религиоведения Южного федерального университета (г. Ростов-на-Дону, Россия) доктора философских наук С. Н. Астапова был посвящен трансформации сакрального образа как предпосылки оскорбления религиозных чувств верующих. В докладе доцента кафедры философии Ленинградского государственного университета имени А. С. Пушкина (г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия) кандидата философских наук А. П. Чернеевского был представлен анализ общекультурного контекста религиозно-философского наследия Рерихов.
К проблеме личностного аспекта религии («Два лика Реформации: Лютер и Кальвин») обратился профессор кафедры истории и философии Могилевского государственного университета имени А. А. Кулешова доктор исторических наук Я. Г. Риер. В выступлении доцента кафедры психологии, содержания и методов воспитания Академии образования (г. Минск, Беларусь) кандидата психологических наук Агеенковой Е. К. рассмотрены современные аспекты глобальной коммуникативной сети тибетского буддизма. Особенностям восприятия адвентизма как новой религиозной культуры в Российской империи начала XX века был посвящен доклад аспиранта историко-филологического факультета Могилевского государственного университета имени А. Кулешова Габрусевича О. В.
Участники конференции смогли принять участие в дискуссии, обменяться мнениями.
Готовится к печати сборник научных статей «Религия и общество – 18».
Оргкомитет конференции
Конференция «Религия и общество» 2023
On April 21, 2023, the Mogilev Religious Studies Center, the Department of History and Philosophy of Moscow State University named after A. A. Kuleshov, held the XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Religion and Society”. Conference coordinators — Starostenko V. V., Dyachenko O. V. and Starostenko E. V., secretary — Klimova O. P.; moderator — Starostenko V. V.
More than 100 reports were presented at the conference and recommended for publication, the authors of which were researchers from five countries — Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Portugal and Slovakia. Foreign countries were represented by more than 30 scientists. Belarusian participants traditionally represent all regions of the republic, the largest universities and specialized scientific institutions. The participants of the conference are not only well-known and accomplished scientists, but also young researchers — graduate students, undergraduates and students, as well as representatives of general secondary education institutions.
At the plenary session, held online, reports were presented reflecting the diversity of areas of modern religious studies — on the place of religion in the education system, legal aspects of religious activity, history of religion, religious and philosophical quests in cultural studies, integrating the possibilities of religion in modern Belarusian society , as well as the traditions of religion in art.
Vice-Rector for Research, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor N. V. Makovskaya addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech on behalf of the university rector’s office. She noted the importance of the ongoing international conferences, which help improve the image of the university and develop cooperation in the scientific field.
The report of Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin (St. Petersburg, Russia) A. P. Cherneevsky “Levels of knowledge about religion in the educational process” was devoted to the methodological problems of preparing scientific and methodological support for teaching the fundamentals of religious culture to schoolchildren Russian schools.
The report “Registration of a religious organization: a case and its extrapolation” by the head of the department of philosophy of religion and religious studies of the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) S. N. Astapov, using the example of law enforcement practice in the Russian Federation, examines legal conflicts of registration as religious organization of a community that is not a religious group, and the associated problems of conducting a full-fledged religious studies examination.
Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of the Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov Ya. G. Rier addressed the problem of the place of Islam in the history of civilizations. It was shown that Islam, based on the previously emerged Abrahamic religions, turned out to be more adapted to the traditions and everyday culture of the peoples of the Near and Middle East, therefore, in a historically short time, it took root in their environment not only as a religious teaching, but also in everyday behavioral practices.
In the speech of Z. R. Zhukotskaya, professor of the department of general theory of law and humanitarian disciplines of BIP — University of Law and Social Information Technologies, “Mythological religion: the cultural concept of F. Schelling,” the cultural concept of the German philosopher based on the philosophy of revelation is considered. He views mythological religion as a unique phenomenon in the history of culture, as the first form of existence of religion.
The topic of national unity and the right to freedom of religion in the context of the integrating function of religion in modern Belarusian society was the subject of consideration in the report of the rector of the Academy of Postgraduate Education, member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus O. V. Dyachenko.
The report “Traditions of performing sacred music in Mogilev” by the head of the Department of Music and Aesthetic Education of the Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov, Yu. V. Alenkova, was devoted to the peculiarities of the perception of music in religious art.
Conference participants were able to take part in the discussion and exchange views.
Conference Organizing Committee
Конференция «Религия и общество» 2022
22 апреля 2022 года Могилевским религиоведческим центром, кафедрой истории и философии МГУ имени А. А. Кулешова проведена XVI Международная научно-практическая конференция «Религия и общество». Координаторы конференции — Старостенко В. В., Дьяченко О. В. и Старостенко Э. В., секретарь — Климова О. П.
По итогам работы конференции издан сборник «Религия и общество – 16».
On April 22, 2022, the Mogilev Center for Religious Studies, the Department of History and Philosophy of Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov held the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Religion and Society”. The coordinators of the conference are Starostenko V. V., Dyachenko O. V. and Starostenko E. V., the secretary is Klimova O. P.
120 reports were presented at the conference and recommended for publication, the authors of which are researchers from Belarus, Russia and China. Belarusian participants traditionally represent all regions of the republic, major universities and specialized scientific institutions. The conference participants are not only well-known and established scientists, but also young researchers — graduate students, undergraduates and students, as well as representatives of institutions of general secondary education.
The plenary session, held online, presented reports reflecting the diversity of areas of modern religious studies.
The fact that the division of Christianity in Europe into Orthodoxy and Catholicism reflected not only dogmatic contradictions and disputes about the supremacy of Constantinople and Rome, but also differences in the social structure of the continent, due to different options for organizing property and power in the west, east and southeast of the continent, was considered in the report “Confessional Differences of European Christianity as a Reflection of Civilizational Matrices in the History of the Continent” by Yakov Grigoryevich Rier, Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of the Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov.
The report of Aleksey Petrovich Cherneevsky, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin (St. Petersburg, Russia) “Problems of Teaching the Basics of Religious Culture in Russian Schools” was devoted to cultural and methodological problems of teaching the basics of religious culture to junior schoolchildren in Russian schools.
In the report “Religious Activity in the Situation of the Prohibition of the Activities of a Religious Organization” by the Head of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) Sergey Nikolaevich Astapov, using the example of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Russian Federation, legal conflicts related to the fact that the ban on the activities of a religious organization does not formally mean a ban on the religious activities of believers who were members of this organization. Since religious activity at the individual level, without activity in a community of fellow believers, is insufficient for the self-consciousness of a believer, there may be cases of illegitimate activity of religious communities.
In the speech of the head of the department of humanitarian disciplines of the Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies (Mogilev, Belarus) Yury Mikhailovich Bubnov “Religiosity as a safety factor against harmful addictions of young students” on the basis of specific sociological data (questionnaire survey of 1634 respondents) quantitatively determined the degree of relationship between religiosity, expressed in the frequency of visits to places of worship, and exposure of young people to the risks of alcohol and tobacco addiction.
The specifics of the religious and political views of Jehovism, the conflicts of state-confessional relations in connection with the activities of the organization were considered in the report “Socio-political ideas in the preaching literature of Jehovah's Witnesses” by Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov Dyachenko Oleg Viktorovich.
In the report “The image of a clergyman on the pages of the Soviet press in the first post-revolutionary years (on the example of Belarus)” Alesya Sergeevna Melnikova, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of the Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov, a significant aspect of the formation of attitudes towards religion in the culture of everyday life at the beginning of the Soviet period of national history was revealed.
Report “The Ryzhan Catholic Theological Seminary and Religious Life of the Roma-Catholics of Savetskaya Belarus in 1970–1980s” Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines of the Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies (Mogilev, Belarus) Pushkin Igor Alexandrovich was dedicated to the religious life of the Catholic population of the BSSR in the 1970–1980s and the training of priests for the Roman Catholic Church at the Riga Catholic Theological Seminary.
Features of the perception of beauty in religious art were the subject of consideration of the report “Aesthetic Aspects of Religious Art” by the head of the Department of Music and Aesthetic Education of Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov Alenkova Yulia Vasilievna.
Based on the results of the conference, the collection “Religion and Society – 16” is being prepared for publication.
Конференция «Религия и общество» 2021
Издан сборник «Религия и общество – 15».
On April 14, 2021, the Mogilev Religious Studies Center of the A. A. Kuleshov Mogilev State University held the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Religion and Society”. Conference coordinators — Starostenko V. V., Dyachenko O. V. and Starostenko E. V.
This year the scientific event received a new — online format.
135 papers by 145 researchers from five countries (Belarus, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan) were presented at the conference and recommended for inclusion in the collection. Belarusian participants traditionally represent all regions of the republic, the largest universities and specialized research institutions. The participants of the conference are not only well-known and established scientists, but also young researchers — graduate students, undergraduates and students, as well as representatives of general secondary education institutions.
At the opening of the conference, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Oleg Viktorovich Dyachenko welcomed the university administration, drawing attention to the special importance of religious knowledge in the system of social humanities, scientific, educational and expert activities.
Reports reflecting the diversity of modern religious studies were presented at the plenary session.
The report of the associate professor of philosophy of Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin (St. Petersburg, Russia) Cherneevsky Alexei Petrovich “The influence of myth and religion on the system of moral values” was devoted to the relationship between morality and religion, religion and myth, the role of religion in rationalization of cultural ideas.
The religiosity of man from a psychological point of view, in connection with the problem of the true source of religiosity and the emergence of religious dominance, is analyzed in the report “Man and religion: the psychological aspect of religious” Professor of General Theory of Law and Humanities Mogilev, Belarus) Zinaida Romanovna Zhukotskaya.
The report “Transformation of religious activity of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia in the context of legal persecution” by Astapov Sergey Nikolaevich Astapov, Head of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) their local religious organizations. Changes in the forms of religious activity of followers of this denomination at the priority of remote technologies are shown, including meetings using the Internet, electronic versions of religious literature, information and apologetic sites, donations through online banking, etc.
The essential aspects of the problem of the origin and evolution of the family from traditional to its modern forms, not always focused on reproduction, in the context of changes in religious ideas about the family, were considered in the report “On the problem of family evolution” by Mogilev State University. Kuleshov Rier Yakov Grigoryevich.
In the speech of the professor of the department of design of educational systems of the Republican Institute of Higher Education (Minsk, Belarus) Shimukovich Sergey Fadeevich “Scientists-religious scholars — natives of the Belarusian lands in Russian universities in the late XIX – early XX centuries”. An analysis of the professional interests of religious scholars P. N. Zhukovich, S. G. Runkevich, V. N. Beneshevich, K. V. Kharlampovich, M. A. Reisner, V. Z. Zavitnevich in the context of their origin and political views in the last decades of the existence of the Russian Empire and during the formation of the Soviet state.
Dependence of “mass man” on religion, its interaction with mass culture became the subject of the report “Religiosity in the mass consciousness of the XXI century” associate professor of philosophy of Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov Alenkova Julia Vasilyevna and student of historical and philological faculty of our university Alexandrovich.
On April 6–11, 2020, the Mogilev Religious Studies Center of Mogilev State University named after A. Kuleshov held the the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Religion and Society”. Conference coordinators — Starostenko V. V., Dyachenko O. V., Starostenko E. V., Secretary — Melnikova A. Yu.
144 reports were presented at the conference, the authors of which are 155 researchers from five countries, 134 reports are included in the collection. Foreign participants of the conference (36 reports of 42 authors) represent the Russian Federation, Poland, Ukraine, the Turkish Republic and Azerbaijan, Belarusian participants — all regions of the republic, major universities and specialized scientific institutions. The conference participants were not only famous and successful scientists, but also young researchers — graduate students and undergraduates, as well as representatives of secondary education institutions.
The collection includes sections “Freethinking and freedom of conscience in the history of culture, politics and law. Theoretical Religious Studies”, “Religion and State-Confessional Relations”, “History of Religions and Interfaith Relations”, “Pentecostalism. Pentecostalism in modern Belarus”, “Religious space of Eastern Belarus”, “Religion and culture, literary criticism, linguistics”, “Religion and education”, “Questions of historiography”, “Questions of the history of religion in theology”, “Questions of religion in the system of general secondary and secondary specialized education”, “The dilemma of secularism and religiosity” and “Confessional accentuation in education. Religious aspects of local history”. They reflect the results of modern scientific research in the field of the history of religion, free thinking and freedom of conscience, the role of religion in the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of Belarus, the relationship of religion and culture, education, literary criticism, linguistics, etc.
On the 18–23 of March, 2019 Mogilev Religious Studies Center of Mogilev State University named after A. Kuleshov organized the XIIth International scientific and practical conference “Religion and Society”.
The coordinators of the conference — Starostenko V. V., Dyachenko O. V., secretaries — Starostenko E. V., Melnikovа A. Y.
More than 150 researchers from four countries were announced at the conference, 133 reports were included in the collection. Foreign participants of the conference (35 published reports) represent Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Belarusian participants — all regions of the republic, the largest universities and specialized scientific institutions.
The published collection of scientific articles “Religion and Society - 13” includes the sections “Freedom of Opinion and Freedom of Conscience in the history of culture, politics and law”, “Religion and state-confessional relations”, “History of religions and interfaith relations”, “Religious space of Eastern Belarus”, “Religion and culture, literary studies, linguistics”, “Religion and education. The dilemma of secularism and religiosity”, “Questions of historiography”, “Questions of the history of religion in theology”, “Confessional accentuation in social science and education”, “Questions of the history of religion in local history” reflect the results of modern scientific research in the field of the history of religion, free-thinking and freedom of conscience, the role of religion in the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of Belarus, the relationship of religion and culture, education, literary studies, linguistics, etc.
March 12–17, 2018 Mogilev Religious Center of Moscow State University named after A. A. Kuleshov held the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Religion and Society”. More than 160 reports were announced at the conference.
A collection of scientific articles “Religion and Society – 12” is being prepared for publication. The collection includes more than 140 reports, 47 of them — foreign researchers from Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Germany.
In the sections of the collection «Freedom of Opinion and Freedom of Conscience in the History of Culture, Politics and Law», “Freedom of Conscience and State-Religious Relations in the History of Belarus of the 20th and 21st Centuries”, “History of Religions and Interfaith Relations”, “Issues of Preventing Religious Extremism”, “Religious space of Eastern Belarus”, “Religion and Culture”, “Religion and Education. the dilemma of secularism and religiosity”, “Religion and literary criticism, linguistics”, “Questions of the history of religion in theology. Confessional accentuation in social science” and “Religion. Ethics. Atheism” will reflect the results of modern scientific research in the field of the history of religion, freedom of thought and freedom of conscience, the role of religion in the historical and cultural and spiritual heritage of Belarus, the relationship of religion and culture, education, literature, linguistics.
The collection will include articles, the authors of which have concluded contracts with Moscow State University named after A. A. Kuleshov on participation in the conference.
The publication and distribution of the collection to the authors who ordered the transfer of the book is planned tentatively in late June — early July 2018.
The electronic version of the collection in PDF format will be available for download approximately in June 2018.
On the 10–17 of March, 2017 Mogilev Religious Studies Center of Mogilev State University named after A. Kuleshov organized the XIth International scientific and practical conference “Religion and Society”.
166 researchers from 5 countries took part in it. It was declared 164 reports.
There were 54 foreign participants: from Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Azerbaijan. Belarusian participants were from all regions of the republic. The largest universities and specialized research institutions took part too.
A collection was published of scientific articles “Religion and Society – 11: collection of scientific articles / Under the general editorship V. V. Starostenko, O. V. Dyachenko. — Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2017”.
In the sections of the collection “Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of Conscience in the History of Culture, Politics and Law”, “Freedom of Conscience and State-Religious Relations in the History of Belarus of the 20th and 21st Centuries”, “The History of Religions and Inter-Confessional Relations”, “Religious Space of Eastern Belarus” “Religion and Culture”, “Religion and Education, Literary Studies, Linguistics”, “Questions of the History of Religion in theology. Confessional accentuation in social science”, “Questions of religion and spiritual and moral education in the system of general secondary education: the dilemma of secularism and religiosity” and “Questions of historiography” reflects the results of modern scientific research in the history of religion, freedom of thought and freedom of conscience, the role of religion in the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of Belarus, the relationship of religion and culture, education, literature, linguistics.
On the 10–23 of March, 2016 Mogilev Religious Studies Center within the cooperation of Mogilev State University named after A. Kuleshov and State Regional Institute of Education Development organized the Xth International scientific and practical conference “Religion and Society”.
141 researchers from six countries took part in it. It was declared 137 reports. There were 56 foreign participants: from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan and China. Belarusian participants were from all regions of the republic. The largest universities and specialized research institutions took part too.
Preparing for print a collection of scientific articles “Religion and Society – 10: collection of scientific articles / Under the general editorship V. V. Starostenko, O. V. Dyachenko. — Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University, 2016”.
The sections of the book “Freedom of conscience, freedom of thought and of state-confessional relations in the world and national practice”, “History of religions and interfaith relations. Religious space in Eastern Belarus”, “Religion and culture”, “religion, education, literature and linguistics”, “Issues of religion in theology. Confessional accentuation in the social sciences” and “Questions of historiography” the results of current research in the field of the history of religion, freedom of thought and freedom of conscience, their role in the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of Belarus will be reflected in the scientific work.
* Publication of the collection is planned in May–June, sending to the authors — in June 2016.
* Electronic PDF analogue of the collection will be available for downloading from the Internet pages of the Mogilev religious studies Center